Friday 26 June 2009


Dolphins live in the warm and cold seas.They have smooth bodies which help them to swim very fast. Dolphins breathe through a hole on the top of their head. It is called a blowhole. A dolphin swims to the surface. It breathes out air.Water sprays up. It breathes in and dives underwater. If a dolphin is sick, other dolphins take care of it.A mother dolphin with two dolphin with two babies. A mother dolphin shows her baby how to breathe. She teahes it how to look for food.


us lot said...

good work pairahvi!!!!
by mum

us lot said...

good work pairahvi!!!!
by mum

us lot said...

Hi pairahvi cool blog keep it up I will try finding some information about dolphins.


Do dolphins eat fishes?

Have you seen a real dolphin